Systems Robotics Engineer Garratt Gallagher has released a video att CSAIL where he plucks images from a reel he drags onto the screen, then enlarges, spins and casts the pictures aside a la Minority Report.. It uses the Kinect sensor from Microsoft, and the recently released libfreenect driver for interfacing with the Kinect in linux. The graphical interface and the hand detection software were written at MIT. Via:
Kinect Hand Detection
Microsoft Kinect (Xbox 360) Teardown
Bill Detwiler at TechRepublic looking at the hardware inside Kinect.
Kinect Open Source Driver Released
Tre hours after European launch of the Kinect, Hector Martin released open source driver for Kinect with code on Marcansoft (video on YouTube). Another competitor AlexP from the NUI Group "hacked" Microsoft's Kinect earlier this week. However, the release of the open source driver from NUI Group will be available for the public after they collect $10K in donations. Read the whole story on or
Telenoika Audiovisual Mapping
Audiovisual mapping for the Festival Eutopía 2010, held in Córdoba, Spain [17 September 2010]. >> CRÈDITS Omar Alvarez, Miki Arregui, Albert Callejo, Miguel Gozalbo, Sergi Kasero, Santiago Vilanova
TECH INFO · video contents produced using 2D video composition and 3D rendering softwares. · projected with a 15.000 lumens video beamer at 1024x768. · used WarpMap as video warper and player. WarpMap is a surface warping and video-player software developped by Eloi Maduell from with Openframeworks libraries. Via:
Motion Bank
Motion Bank is a new four-year project of The Forsythe Company providing a broad context for research into choreographic practice. The main focus is on the creation and publication of on-line digital scores in collaboration with guest choreographers (see About). Via:
Photo: Screenshot from SynchronousObjects, Statistical Counterpoint
Larry Lessig on laws that choke creativity
Larry Lessig: Lawyer and activist argue for the Creative Commons supporting new Read AND Write culture where remixing = recreating is a part of creative process and should be not strangled by the outdated laws. Se video Laws that choke creativity .
Re-examining the remix is another of Lessing talks for TED, and gives a political background to his arguments.
Ballettikka Internettikka
"Ballettikka Internettikka is a series of tactical art projects which began in 2001 with the exploration of Internet ballet. It explores wireless Internet ballet performances combined with guerrilla tactics and mobile live Internet broadcasting strategies" via
Latest project: Ballettikka Internettikka: Insecttikka
by Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman
Saturday, 29 May 2010 at 22:00 Amsterdam/Berlin/Paris Local Time at The Netherlands Media Art Institute Live Internet Broadcast.
Motion Capture Methodologies Workshop
Motion Capture Methodologies Workshop, 25th-26th June is hosted by University of Sussex and organised among others by Sally Jane Norman, as as part of the methodologies workshop series organised by UK higher education bodies AHESSC (Arts & Humanities e-Science Support
Centre) and JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee), and in collaboration with the Motion in Place Platform Project. It is an interdisciplinary workshop providing a platform for knowledge exchange in the field of motion capture practice and research.
Many presenters will present related to this area information and projects, as well as motion capture resources and related software products will be available for demonstrations and project-oriented discussions. Among others, I will be presenting my project in progress; the Periodic Table of Movements (PTM). The workshop is free of charge but limited to 50 participants, therefore prompt notification from persons wishing to attend is needed. Extended information and the list of presenters is available at
LPM =Live Performance Meeting
Live Performance Meeting LPM From 27th to 30st of May, in Rome.
It is an international encounter of live video performances and visual artists. Great visual art, people, performances and workshops. For more info check
Syzygryd's FIRE needs your help!
Watch the video and get inspired.
Syzygryd is an interactive, collaborative musical instrument and fire sculpture
I they manage to pull this project they promise to release:
* Open-source collaborative grid sequencer in processing
* Open-hardware AVR-based DMX to LED controller with relay control for flame effects and open-source firmware
* CC licensed sets of sounds for Ableton Live and much more.
Check the project website
Body Navigation
"Body Navigation" is a dance installation by Recoil Performance Group, during Spring 2008 based on Infrared Tracking and Interactive Video Projection: Ole Kristensen and Jonas Jongejan
choreography: Tina Tarpgaard, music:Mathias Friis-Hansen and György Ligeti, performed by Athelas Sinfonietta . Full documentation and trailer at Vimeo. More info at 3xw.ole.kristensen
Gesture-controlled hologram
LM3LABS has created gesture controlled Hologram system called AirStrike, which is controlled by arms and hands movements . More about the holograms via
eyeSequencer creates ambient music from the human iris
"Every now and then you see some particullary beautiful eyes ... some of them inspired me to use images of eyes to create musical material. I wrote a little framework/application in Processing to help me analyse the image. "Scanners" circulate in the eye and analyse RGB and brightness values. These values are used to create OSC Messages, which then are send to SuperCollider. SuperCollider would be a great way to produce the sound, but for this example i decided to use SC3 to send MIDI events to Ableton Live, to two instances of the Alphakanal Automat Synthesizer" Patrick Cappel
The EyeWriter on Instructables
I previously mention EyeWriter in the "The EyeWriter /inspiration to share". The information on haw to build this eye-tracking apparatus is available on Instructables which is grate place to search for technical solutions of all kind.
Low-Cost Multi-touch displays
Johnny Chung Lee present video tutorial on how to create low-cost multi-point interactive whiteboards and multi-point tablet displays.
Organic software visualization
Code_swarm, project by Michael Ogawa shows the history of commits in a software project. A commit happens when a developer makes changes to the code or documents and transfers them into the central project repository. Code_swarm is licensed under GNU. For more information:
Augmented reality: "Magic Projection"
"Magic Projection" created by Marco Tempest using OpenFrameworks, PS3 Eye Toy camera, IR tracking (with M12 IR filter modifications by Nolan from PeauProductions) and markers along with OpenCV, Arduino, MacCam, Wii engineering, MacBook Pro and a mobile projector.